It seems likely the more expensive the clothes, the more kinky they might get with poses and angles (just guessing really). I'd just cherry pick body parts for reference, draw them and stick 'em together later maybe... if I were still drawing.
But shading? What I remember most, is that you can't do it from a fixed position - you gotta rotate the paper, to get the proper angle of attack on it.
HS art class... it might have helped, but almost everyone I know who went said it was a joke - depends on the teacher I guess.
Good luck in finding pictures to practice from... full body poses at weird angles? Maybe a clothing site?
Well I went to one in Middle School and because that was a joke I didn't bother in High School. However, I could have learned some more things like shading. I'm self taught with shading and I am self conscious about it. Especially now that I'm not referencing images anymore.
Thank you for wishing me good luck.
Clothing sites have odd poses with angles?